General Education Requirements

The General Education Requirements found on this page are from 2016 - 2017 Catalog. See the main web page of the General Education Requirements for information from other WCC College Catalogs.

General Education Course Requirements

Students pursuing associate degrees are required to meet general education requirements in eight areas. (Click on an area label to see approved classes.) Some classes are limited to a specific certificate or degree; check the footnotes when selecting courses. You should also check the requirements for your certificate or degree to determine if specific classes are required or recommended.

  • Writing - Develop, organize, and express thoughts in writing using Standard English.
  • Speech - Speak in an organized and effective manner and listen critically and with comprehension.
  • Mathematics - Understand the applications and perform computations using the concepts of college-level mathematics.
  • Natural Sciences - Understand principles and applications of modern science.
  • Social and Behavioral Science - Understand principles and applications of social and behavioral science in exploring the dynamics of human behavior.
  • Arts and Humanities - Understand and apply information related to the nature and variety of the human experience through personal and cultural enrichment.
  • Critical Thinking - Demonstrate skill in analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating.
  • Computer and Information Literacy - Demonstrate the skill to use computer information systems including using software and the ability to locate, retrieve, and evaluate networked information.

The general education requirements in Writing, Speech, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social and Behavioral Science, Arts and Humanities and Computer and Information Literacy are met through class distribution requirements (successfully completing classes from restricted distribution lists). Critical thinking is incorporated into the classes in the six content areas and does not require any additional class work.

Course Distribution Requirements

Associate degree students must complete courses from each of seven General Education content areas. The requirements vary, depending on which degree is being earned. The number of general education credit hours required for each degree is as follows.


Subject AA AS AAS
Writing 6-7 credits 6-7 credits 3-4 credits
Speech 3 credits 3 credits 3 credits
Mathematics 3-4 credits 3-4 credits 3-4 credits
Natural Sciences 3-4 credits 3-4 credits 3-4 credits
Social & Behavioral Science 6 credits 6 credits 3 credits
Arts and Humanities 6 credits 6 credits 3 credits
Critical Thinking * 0 credits 0 credits 0 credits
Computer & Information Literacy ** 3 credits 3 credits 3 credits
  30-33 credits 30-33 credits 21-24 credits
Swipe left to see full chart

* Critical thinking skills will be taught in all courses included in the other course distribution areas.

** Due to the computer intensive nature of many courses, students are encouraged to complete the Computer and Information Literacy requirement as early in their academic career as possible.

Students who have earned a bachelor's degree or higher from an accredited U.S. college or university may request a waiver of the general education requirements from Student Records.

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