As we approach Winter Break and the end of Fall Semester, everyone is anxious to finish up tasks and clean out their spaces. For general clean ups, please use the recycle bins in your area and remember the 3 R’s.
- REDUCE: Please do not discard items that are still of use.
- REUSE: WCC’s property disposition and office redistribution system redistributes, resells and donates items that are still in good condition, read how here. Read how to use property disposition
- RECYCLE: WCC’s recycle stations accept paper and card, and clean bottles, cans and containers.

Space Clean Outs
If you are clearing a space prior to the holiday break, the Recycle Operations Department can assist in ensuring that the process is smooth and sustainable. Large recycle bins and totes can be requested from the Recycle Department and delivered to the space that is being emptied.
The Recycle Department’s last full day of operation is Thursday, December 22nd. To ensure adequate processing time, please request pick-ups of bulk materials by Wednesday, December 21st.

Refrigerator Clean Out
If you are cleaning out a refrigerator, fruits and vegetables can be placed in your green caddie for composting. Please do so prior to Thursday, December 22nd so that the material doesn’t sit over break.
Confidential Shredding
Although the most secure way to recycle confidential documents is to shred them in your office suite, the Recycle Operations Department will gladly collect and shred boxes of confidential material if shredding equipment is not available to you.
To request our services at this time of year, please remember the following:
- Only confidential documents should be in a shred box. All other paper can be recycled through the bins in your office area.
- The Recycle Operations departmental shredder has a limited capacity. Regular pickup requests of smaller quantities will help reduce exposure of sensitive material and increase departmental turnaround times and machine usefulness.
- Please make your end-of-semester shred requests by Tuesday, December 20th to allow the department time to process them before break.
Find out more about WCC’s recycling services, email inquiries to [email protected], or enter a facilities service request via FAMIS.
Thank you!
Tags: recycle