Emergency Closing Procedures

These procedures may be implemented to close the College in times of severe weather or other emergencies (loss of water, power, or natural disasters). In the event of emergencies that could affect safety, health, or access to the College, the President or designee will have the final authority to make the decision to cancel classes or to close the College.

Employee Reporting

Employees are encouraged to confirm media announcements by consulting the College's School Closing Information Line (734-677-5288) and the WCC homepage (wccnet.edu). In the event classes are cancelled, the college is open. Instructional Faculty need not report unless otherwise noted on the College's School Closing Information Line (734-677-5288). All other employees are expected to report at their normal time/shift. Concerns about delayed arrivals due to extreme weather/traffic conditions should not compromise employees' concern for and attention to safety. Delayed arrivals will be evaluated on an individual basis. As always employees who are unable to report must follow proper call-in procedures. When classes are cancelled, absence due to weather/traffic may be charged to available paid time off, or vacation, or personal time.

Should the College be closed, most employees are not required to report. Those staff members who are essential to the maintenance of campus buildings, computer services, safety & security, or snow removal will be notified to report by their supervisor and will be compensated in accordance with applicable collective bargaining agreements.


The President's or designee's decision to cancel classes or close the College will be communicated by Public Relations and Marketing.


These procedures will be given to all employees annually in the Fall Semester as a reminder, to new employees at the time of initial orientation and will be included in the Human Resources Management homepage (https://www.wccnet.edu/human-resources).

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