The first meetings of the Breaking Barriers: Women in Career and Technical Education @ WCC group were held last week.
Led by Dean of Student Access, Success, Equity and Inclusion Clarence Jennings and Retention & Completion Specialist Apryl Scheffler, the meetings were intended to begin bringing awareness of this new group to the target student audience – women in CTE programs at WCC, especially those programs that are non-traditional for females such as Welding, Automotive Services or Computer Networking.
Food, T-shirts, WCC swag and informational resources were provided to the students who attended while they talked with each other and listened to a brief presentation on advising-related topics.
This was the first event in a planned series for this group. The goal is to build a stronger sense of community and support among these students, which will ideally result in a rise in completion and retention rates for women in CTE programs at WCC.
An end-of-the-semester celebration will be held in December.
Faculty/staff are welcome to participate in Breaking Barriers, as well as students who do not fall under the target audience. All supporters are welcome!
If you’re interested in participating in this group, or have questions, contact Scheffler at [email protected] or 734-677-5144.
Tags: 2018, ousearch_News_2018