Why attend Washtenaw Community College? There are so many reasons that we couldn’t fit them all into the Summer 2022 edition of Launch magazine. But here's a solid "7 Smart Reasons to Choose WCC" to get you started:
Tuition at WCC is among the lowest in the state and country, with current in-district, on-campus tuition set at $95 per credit hour. At that rate, students save an average of $8,000 to $20,000 each academic year compared to those at four-year public and private institutions in Michigan.
With outstanding student debt in the United States currently at $1.58 trillion, attending WCC is a smart investment in you and your educational goals.
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A two-year associate degree can put you on the path to a new job or career and even help you advance or refresh skills in your current profession.
WCC offers 135+ degree and certificate programs you need for the career you want. We also offer accelerated degree and certificate programs to help you advance your skills even faster.
You can get started in some of today’s fastest-growing and most in-demand jobs with an associate degree, including (with median salary, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics):
Paralegals or legal assistants ($52,920)
Computer network support specialists ($55,510)
Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians ($58.230)
Radiologic and MRI technologists ($63,710)
Web developers ($77,200)
Related Links:
- Degree & Certificate Programs
- Accelerated Programs & Courses
- Gain Experience
- Prepare for and Find a Job
- Search for a Job
Thanks to the Michigan Transfer Agreement, any student who starts at WCC and transfers to a four-year institution can meet many, if not all, of the general education requirements at Michigan colleges and universities.
That’s a minimum of 30 credits taken at WCC’s in-district on-campus low tuition rate
of $95/credit that will transfer seamlessly to a school that costs $500/credit or
more and meet the exact same requirements.
Complete one of WCC’s 60-credit associate degree programs to transfer even more credits and save even more money.
We won’t even blow your mind by telling you about the 3+1 agreements we have with several in-state colleges that allow you to complete three years (up to 90 credits) at WCC toward a 120-credit bachelor’s degree. But feel free to check out the "articulation agreements" link below if you think you can handle it!
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WCC offers something for everyone. Nearly one-third of our students, 32%, are age 18-20, with another 21% between the ages of 21-24. But we welcome students of all ages — nearly 7% are 17 or younger, 22% between 25-34, and others sprinkled in older age groups.
Did you know that 12% of our student body has already earned a bachelor’s degree and enrolled at WCC to update their skills or even change careers?
About 76% of our students are employed and 75% take classes part-time. Having so many students in different stages of life means flexibility is important to meet busy schedules.
Want to take all day-time classes? All night-time classes? All online? Prefer on-campus classes because WCC is close to work or home? Our scheduling options allow you to dedicate time to your studies, work, family and personal life.
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Some people are putting college on hold because plenty of employers are offering entry-level jobs with starting salaries above the state’s living wage — which, according to an MIT study, is $13.63 per hour for a single adult.
But will you be able to advance quickly enough in those careers if you plan to start a family?
Add a child to the mix and the living wage for a single adult jumps to $31.15. Two working adults with three children must each make $27.72 per hour to reach a living wage in Michigan.
Studies show associate degree holders earn about $7,300 more per year than high school graduates in similar jobs.
Still not sure you can afford college? You probably can afford WCC, and we’re here to help make that happen.
The WCC Foundation distributes more than $1 million in scholarships annually and our
Financial Aid Office helped students secure $28 million toward their education during
the 2020-21 academic year.
We’ve even saved students more than $9 million by replacing costly textbooks with open educational resources that our faculty and staff painstakingly produced for 47 different classes.
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We get it. People are concerned they’re missing out on two years of the “college experience” by starting at WCC. Granted, there’s no frat par-ties or football tailgates here. But ask a recent college grad if they’d trade a couple of parties for $20,000 less student debt. (Go ahead, we’ll wait.)
Plus, WCC’s student life can be pretty darn great. We have a large number of student organizations, club and intramural sports, and year-round activities that provide plenty of social opportunities.
You can’t live on campus, but you can study and work and play pretty much all day!
Related Links:
- Student Events
- Student Clubs
- WCC Sports
- WCC Esports
- Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
- Student Newspaper (Washtenaw Voice)
- Student Radio (Orchard Radio)
- Diversity at WCC
- Health & Fitness Center
This story was published in the Summer 2022 edition of Launch magazine. See this and previous editions at wccnet.edu/launch.
Tags: Affordability, Career, Launch Summer 2022, Scholarships, Student Activities, Transfer