Eleven projects created by students in Washtenaw Community College’s Digital Video program have been nominated for a Student Production Award from the Michigan chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.
Winners will be announced on Sunday, April 23 during an awards ceremony at the Michigan
State University Communication Arts and Sciences Building on Sunday, April 23. The
event also includes a “Meet the Pros” session where students will have a Q&A session
with three Emmy Award-winning broadcast journalism and production professionals.
The awards are open to all two-year and four-year institutions in the Michigan. The eleven nominations of WCC student work is second only to Michigan State University (18). Other nominees were earned by students from Ferris State University (10), Calvin University (3), Mott Community College (3), Hope College (2) and the University of Michigan (2). There is also a high school division of the Student Production Awards. (See all nominations.)
WCC nominations include:
Non-Fiction Short-Form: “Calling,” by Amelia Martell
Non-Fiction Short-Form: “Queer Coded,” by Dakota Keedle
Non-Fiction Short-Form: “Kosmo’s Bop Shop, The Story of Don Kwon,” by Linus Brush-Mindell
Non-Fiction Long-Form: “Arcade Apartment,” by Marceline Keedle
Music Video: “Blind,” by Tim Giese
Fiction Short-Form: “Croc’d,” by Paige Cummins
Fiction Short-Form: “Wind,” by David Clipner
Animation/Graphics/Special Effects: “I’m Still Here (Trailer),” by Nehemiah Harmsen
Animation/Graphics/Special Effects: “Life After it Rains,” by Tina Pham
Director: “Bob & Ingraham Make a Pilot,” by Bob Fike
Photographer: “Detroit Become Human: The Unknowns,” by Cory Konjarevich
WCC Digital Video students have won 39 first-place prizes at the Student Production Awards since first entering the contest in 2012. Last year’s five first-place trophies matched a program-best haul, matched in 2019 and 2014.
Tags: Digital Media Arts, Digital Video Production, Student Awards, Student Production Awards