Our Heroes: Zachary Drake

April 21, 2020 WCC

Zachary Drake


Zachary Drake

Occupation/Title: Patient Care Technician

Place of Work: St. Joseph Mercy Hospital–Ann Arbor, Emergency Department

WCC Degree in progress: Associate Degree in Nursing

Anticipated Graduation: May 2020


How has your job changed?

I work in a level one trauma center, alongside amazing coworkers taking care of acute and non-acute patients. I start IVs, draw blood labs, run iStat blood labs, run rapid urine tests and throat swabs, complete EKGs, and monitor patients' trending vital signs. We screen every single patient for the possibility that they have COVID-19. The pandemic has added another layer of precautions to caring for patients as well as protecting ourselves.

How has your life changed?

I have self-isolated for the safety of my family and friends' families.  I use social media apps like Zoom and Facebook to talk to family/friends/classmates, etc. My family has done an amazing job reaching out to me and checking up on me to ask me how I'm doing, as well as let me vent frustrations, be human, etc. My leadership in the Michigan Army National Guard also makes it a point to check up on me and other soldiers. Nursing school definitely takes up most of my time when I am not at work and it keeps me mentally busy. After I study ‘til I'm brain fried, I give myself a break to exercise. I enjoy a good whiskey or beer. 

What's the hardest thing to deal with?

Not being able to crack open a cold one with the boys ... kidding.  We all miss our family and friends. I am just another human being who misses his.

One thing you wish the public knew about healthcare workers?

We just want to do our job and go home to our families, homes and our lives.  Same as everyone else in public service.

One thing you wish the public knew about COVID-19?

I cannot provide a simple answer to such a limiting question. This isn't fake news. Due to variable population density, cultural variability as well as numerous other factors, the Metro Detroit area got hit harder than other parts of the U.S.  We do want to prevent the level of chaos and negative economic impact seen during other national emergencies. We do NOT want small businesses to fail, people to lose their homes, or their life's work to be lost from the economic fallout that has followed thus far.  None of this is easy, for any of us.

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