You could see it in the smiles. You could hear it from the audience.
Washtenaw Community College’s January 2016 Honors Convocation was truly a joyous occasion as WCC students who achieved Honors (a grade point average of 3.5 and above) and High Honors (3.8 and above) paraded across the stage as their names were read to receive the special certificates.
A large audience of students, friends and families listened to congratulatory remarks
by WCC President Dr. Rose B. Bellanca, Vice President of Instruction Dr. Michael Nealon,
and WCC Board of
Trustee Secretary Christina Fleming. Rounding out the remarks was an inspirational
speech by Davon Shackleford, president of the WCC chapter of Phi Theta Kappa.
“This moment in time reflects not an ending – but the beginning of a new season in your life,” said Dr. Bellanca. “We are honored and grateful you chose WCC as your academic home.”