Articles in On The Record: ousearch_News_On The Record

Maximilian Ehinger

WCC student Maximilian Ehinger selected as NASA Community College Aerospace Scholar

Rich Rezler - June 12, 2020

Maximilian Ehinger came to WCC intent on learning more about the worlds of aerospace, physics and astronomy. He got that opportunity, and then some.

View Post :   WCC student Maximilian Ehinger selected as NASA Community College Aerospace Scholar

tags: Astronomy, NASA, Student Success, August 2020, ousearch_News_On The Record

Joe Derrico at his work desk

Using prior experience to gain a degree

WCC - June 11, 2020

Joe Derrico was awarded 21 credits for his work experience at area automotive and electronic manufacturing jobs

View Post :   Using prior experience to gain a degree

tags: Credit, July 2020, Life Experience, ousearch_News_On The Record

Smita Malpani teaching a lab

Years spent working around the globe

Kelly Gampel - February 28, 2020

Prior to joining the WCC faculty, Smita Malpani spent a decade working on projects funded by the United States Agency for International Development and, before that, with the World Bank.

View Post :   Years spent working around the globe

tags: Faculty Profile, Distinguished Faculty, February 2020, On The Record, ousearch_News_On The Record

Dr. Erika Gale next to a St. Joseph Mercy Hospital sign

WCC to MD: Meet Dr. Erika Gale

Anita LeBlanc - February 28, 2020

Dr. Erika Gale started her education at WCC and is now an internal medicine resident across the street, at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital.

View Post :   WCC to MD: Meet Dr. Erika Gale

tags: WCC to MD, Alumni Profile, February 2020, On The Record, ousearch_News_On The Record

Sheriff Jerry Clayton

Local leaders to WCC: 'Keep Up the Good Work'

WCC - February 27, 2020

Local leaders and politicians discuss WCC's contributions to the community.

View Post :   Local leaders to WCC: 'Keep Up the Good Work'

tags: February 2020, Keeping Up the Good Work, On The Record, ousearch_News_On The Record

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