WCC Employee Directory
You can search the Employee Directory by name, department or phone number.
Name | Department | Role | Phone | Office |
Barrasso, Peter | Humanities, Social & Behavioral Sciences | Part-Time Faculty | (734) 677-5009 | LA 143 |
Boissy, John | Business & Computer Technologies | Part-Time Faculty | (734) 477-8715 | GM 300 |
Cantu, John | Humanities, Social & Behavioral Sciences | Part-Time Faculty | (734) 677-5009 | LA 143 |
Coleman, Timothy | UA Instruction & Support | Part-Time Faculty | ||
Cratsenburg, John | Public Service Training-Instruction | Part-time Faculty - Timesheet | (734) 677-5024 | ML 106 |
Diehl, John | Business & Computer Technologies | Part-Time Faculty | (734) 677-5431 | BE 200 |
Dinser, John | Business & Computer Technologies | Part-Time Faculty | (734) 477-8715 | GM 300 |
Dolph, John | Humanities, Social & Behavioral Sciences | Part-Time Faculty | (734) 677-5009 | LA 143 |
Dunfee, Andrew | Learning Resources | PT Event Technician | (734) 677-5180 | GM 223 |
Foster, John | Facilities Management | Journeyperson Plumber | (734) 973-3700 | TI 117 |
Franke, John | UA Instruction & Support | Part-Time Faculty | ||
Grattan, John | Transportation Technologies | PT Lab Assistant | (734) 973-3433 | OE 188 |
Holmes, John | UA Instruction & Support | Part-Time Faculty | ||
Hopkins, John | UA Instruction & Support | Part-Time Faculty | ||
Israel, John | Public Service Training-Instruction | PT Prof Service Teaching | ML 106 | |
Jacob, John | UA Instruction & Support | Part-Time Faculty | ||
Johns, Rhonda | Medical Assisting | Medical Assistant Instructor | (734) 677-5142 | TI 122AA |
Johns IV, Foster | Humanities, Social & Behavioral Sciences | Part-Time Faculty | (734) 677-5009 | LA 143 |
Johnson, Amy | UA Instruction & Support | Part-Time Faculty | (734) 677-5009 | LA 143 |
Johnson, Charles | Humanities, Social & Behavioral Sciences | Prof Faculty Humanities | (734) 677-5241 | LA 153L |
Johnson, Dale | Student Records | CRM Administrator | (734) 973-3733 | SC 314 DD |
Johnson, Elizabeth | Health Sciences | Part-Time Faculty | (734) 973-3358 | TI 122 |
Johnson, Emily | Health & Applied Technologies | Allied Health Secretary & Dental Clinic Administrative Technician | (734) 677-5339 | OE 102S |
Johnson, Gabrielle | Diversity & Inclusion | Coord Stdnt Engagement | (734) 973-3324 | SC 263 A |
Johnson, Patrick | Math, Science & Engineering Technology | Biology Instructor (Exercise Science Program) | (734) 249-5710 | LA 315A |
Johnson, Sheron | Health Sciences | Part-Time Faculty | (734) 973-3358 | TI 122 |
Johnson, Vivian | Math, Science & Engineering Technology | Part-Time Faculty | (734) 677-5009 | LA 143 |
Johnston, Mark | Business & Computer Technologies | Prof Faculty Accounting | (734) 973-3708 | BE 218 |
Johnstone, Kendall | Humanities, Social & Behavioral Sciences | Part-Time Faculty | (734) 677-5009 | LA 143 |
Jordan, John | UA Instruction & Support | No-Pay Primary UA Instr Job | ||
Katanski, Daniel | Advanced Manufacturing Department | Part-Time Faculty | (734) 973-3628 | OE 102 |
Kerr, John | Humanities, Social & Behavioral Sciences | Prof Faculty Social Sciences | (734) 677-5136 | GM 300 V |
Leacher, John | Public Safety | Chief Public Sfty/Police/Emerg | (734) 973-3411 | CS 209 |
Lee, Bryan | UA Instruction & Support | Part-Time Faculty | ||
Leftwich, John | Business & Computer Technologies | Part-Time Faculty | (734) 477-8715 | GM 300 |
Linn, J.L. | Humanities, Social & Behavioral Sciences | Part-Time Faculty | (734) 677-5009 | LA 143 |
Makowski, Timothy | HVAC | PT Fac Contract - Instructionl | (734) 973-3666 | OE 102DD |
Marcade, John | UA Instruction & Support | Part-Time Faculty | ||
Marshall, Peter | Humanities, Social & Behavioral Sciences | Part-Time Faculty | (734) 677-5009 | LA 143 |
McGhee, Christopher | UA Instruction & Support | Part-Time Faculty | ||
Mira, John | Humanities, Social & Behavioral Sciences | Part-Time Faculty | (734) 677-5009 | LA 143 |
Moss, Philip | UA Instruction & Support | Part-Time Faculty | ||
Nelson, John | Public Service Careers/Apprenticeships | Part-time Faculty - Timesheet | (734) 677-5022 | ML 111 |
Ochap, John | Roofers - Program | Part-Time Faculty | ||
Parzuchowski, John | Business & Computer Technologies | Part-Time Faculty | (734) 677-5431 | BE 200 |
Patrick, John | Math, Science & Engineering Technology | Part-Time Faculty | (734) 677-5009 | |
Pint, John | UA Instruction & Support | Part-Time Faculty | ||
Poswalk, John | Business & Computer Technologies | Part-Time Faculty | (734) 677-5431 | BE 200 |
Purdon, Zachary | HVAC | Part-Time Faculty | (734) 973-3622 | OE 102 |
Quirk, John | UA Instruction & Support | Part-Time Faculty |