Employee Directory

WCC Employee Directory

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Name Department Role Phone Office
Abdel-Fattah, Sommer Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Abdulla, Rosa Student EmployeeStudent Work Study(734) 973-3536SC 234A
Abdullah-Al Basir, Paige Human ResourcesHuman Resources Partner - Operations(734) 973-3684BE 120
Abella, Mohammed Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyProf Faculty Mathematics(734) 677-5345LA 215B
Abney, Laura Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Abreu, Antonio Information Technology ServicesSenior Support Technician(734) 973-3456SC 314
Abruscati, Robert UA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3359GL 200
Achatz, Tom Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Achter, Kaitlin Health SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3358TI 122
Acker, Isabela Public Service Training-InstructionPT Prof Service Teaching(734) 677-5024ML 106
Ackovska, Natasha Financial ServicesBuilding Trades Accountant(734) 973-3412SC 200L
Acquilla, Daphne Health SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3358TI 122
Adamopoulos, Lia Learning ResourcesPart time Support Clerical(734) 973-3429GM 109
Adamopoulos, Sotirios Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Adams, Damone Facilities ManagementCustodian(734) 677-5304PO/LA
Adams, Laura Student ServicesFinancial Aid Technician(734) 677-5262SC 205
Adams, Yvette Workforce & Community DevelopmentPT Trainer(734) 677-5060ML 104
Adelmann, Marisol Student ServicesCoordinator of Enrollment, Assessment, & Data - Adult Transitions(734) 677-5048SC 277
Agurto, Felipe Advanced Manufacturing DepartmentPT Lab Assistant(734) 973-3628OE 102
Ahmed, Zeeshan Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Ahmed-Zaid, Lia Workforce & Community DevelopmentPT Trainer(734) 677-5060ML 104
Aksman, Miri Student ServicesPart time Support Clerical - Tech 1(734) 677-8960SC 205
Al Elayawi, Diyar Entrepreneurship CenterPart time Support Clerical(734) 249-5880DF 131C
Al-Shohaty, Muhannad Workforce & Community DevelopmentPT Conference and Events Technician(734) 677-5060ML 102
Albach, Suzanne Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyProf Faculty Geology(734) 973-3563LA 253O
Aldairawi, Khulood Student EmployeeStudent Work Study(734) 483-7700Parkridge Community Center
Aldrich, Mike Information Technology ServicesSenior Principal Prgmr Analyst(734) 973-3456SC 314
Alexandrova, Natalia Workforce & Community DevelopmentPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5060ML 104
Algiery, Ahmed ChemistryPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Ali, Falaknaz ChemistryPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Ali, Mina Public SafetyPart time Public Safety Service Officer(734) 973-3411CS 205
Ali, Tgarid Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Alimoghaddam, Azadeh Health SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3358TI 122
Allen, Jerry Transportation TechnologiesPart-Time Faculty(734) 477-3739OE 160
Allen, Kole WCC EsportsPart Time Club Esports Coach(734) 677-5991TI 239
Allendorfer, Bradley Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Allie, Glendolyn Health SciencesPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3358TI 122
Allison, Cynthia Health SciencesPT Fac Contract - Instructionl(734) 973-3358TI 122
Almeida, Thomas Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5009LA 143
Almounauar, Ala'A Math, Science & Engineering TechnologyPT Support - Non Cler(734) 973-3409LA 315N
Alsaegh, Mustafa Distance LearningPart time Operational Database Specialist(734) 477-8713GM 235
Alsaieq, Bara Business & Computer TechnologiesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5431BE 200
Alshakargy, Aysar Business & Computer TechnologiesPart-Time Faculty(734) 677-5431BE 200
Alsobrooks, Nicole Health SciencesProf Faculty Nursing(734) 477-8588TI 122P
Amir Bey, Inayah Business & Computer TechnologiesPart time Support Non-Clerical(734) 677-5431BE 200
Amituanai-Ascencio, Manuel Transportation TechnologiesPT Lab Assistant(734) 973-3735OE 160H
Andersen, Brian UA Instruction & SupportPart-Time Faculty(734) 973-3359GL 200
Anderson, Aaron Humanities, Social & Behavioral SciencesProf Faculty English (Comp)(734) 677-5391LA 315C
Anderson, Aislinn Advanced Technology & Public Service CareersSupport Svs Secretary HAP(734) 973-3628OE 102
Anderson, April Motorcycle Safety ProgramPT Prof Ser(734) 677-5024ML 104

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