Police Academy Vision, Mission and Goals


The Washtenaw Community College Police Academy will provide the best adult learning based law enforcement training environment for all eligible individuals utilizing college support systems, highly trained professional instructors, and state of the art facilities.


Our mission is to ensure each individual is allowed to train and thrive in a safe adult learning environment.

Goals and Objectives

WCC PA graduates will have received the knowledge and skills to be able to secure employment as a law enforcement officer in Michigan by successfully performing law enforcement job tasks in each of the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES) skill areas (First Aid, Firearms, Police Physical Skills, Emergency Vehicle Operation, Fitness and Wellness) with passing grades. Also by demonstrating competency in each of the MCOLES key curriculum areas (Investigation, Patrol Procedures, Detention and Prosecution, Police Skills, Traffic, and Special Operations) through written examinations and scenario training; and pass the MCOLES licensing exam upon completion of the academy session.

Recruits will be provided with a training framework that enhances adult learning and allows participants to gain insight as to what a career in law enforcement entails, including creating an understanding regarding the demands of working in a non-traditional field by demonstrating flexible work shifts and changing days off; exposure to the vast array of situations law enforcement officers encounter through scenario based training; and appreciation for the dedication and determination needed in police work by exposure to over 100 working professional instructors, team building experiences, and personal reflection.

Recruits will utilize college resources and equipment to maximize student performance, including scenario and reality based learning opportunities that mirror situations that law enforcement officers encounter. Staff will ensure recruits are familiar with support systems available through Washtenaw Community College Learning Support Services; and ensure training materials are current and relevant to law enforcement through instructor reviews, college inventory systems and continuing education for staff.

Staff will assist individuals successfully completing the academy in understanding employment opportunities available in the current law enforcement market by bringing in recruitment opportunities every session; providing resume and cover letter assistance; and oral board preparation upon request.

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