WCC offering free webinar series for small business owners

November 8, 2020 Rich Rezler

Success Tools webinar tools


The Entrepreneurship Center at WCC is focused on supporting individuals with dreams of starting a small business. On the opposite end of Washtenaw Community College’s 291 acre-campus, the Economic & College Development division works to advance the workforce of established businesses via corporate training and professional development.

An upcoming free, four-part webinar series titled “Success Tools: Strategies for the Small Business Owner” combines the resources of those two organizations with a goal of teaching current owners and future entrepreneurs what it takes to successfully launch and maintain a thriving business.

“We’re super excited to collaborate with the Economic & College Development side to put together these free events for the benefit of the community, our students and Entrepreneurship Center clients,” said EC director Kristin Gapske.

Each of the four-part webinar series begin at noon. Dates and topics include:

TUESDAY, NOV. 10: Maximizing Your WCC Campus & Local Community Business Supports

THURSDAY, NOV. 12: Networking to Drive Business Growth

TUESDAY, NOV. 17: Digital Marketing Tips for Entrepreneurs

THURSDAY, NOV. 19: Lead Generation and Sales Strategies

See full descriptions of each webinar and register at wccnet.edu/announcements/success-tools-webinar.php

Tags: Economic impact, Entrepreneurship Center, ousearch_News_2020

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