Articles: Cement Masons

Skilled trades at WCC

WCC welcomes record 5,000+ union trainers to Ann Arbor

Fran LeFort - June 16, 2023

Washtenaw Community College (WCC) will host a record number of more than 5,000 members from five national trades organizations this summer for training to advance their skills. WCC’s partnerships with skilled trades groups have been growing for decades and upcoming visits will result in a projected $20 million economic impact to Washtenaw County and the City of Ann Arbor, according to Destination Ann Arbor.

View Post :   WCC welcomes record 5,000+ union trainers to Ann Arbor

tags: Cement Masons, Plumbers and Pipefitters, On The Record, Electrical Workers, June 2023, Roofers Union, United Association, Ironworkers, Workforce Training, Skilled Trades

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