Learning Tools

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Self-Service Resources

students seated at computers in front of research help desk

Research Guides

Created by expert Librarians, Research Guides are your pathway to finding the best information on individual subjects. From Graphic Design, to Anthropology, to African American History and Culture, if you are curious there is a guide to help you learn more!

Research Guides
linkedin learning logo

LinkedIn Learning

WCC partners with LinkedIn Learning to provide students with 24/7 access to over 16,000 expert-led mini courses to supplement classroom learning and develop technical skills.

LinkedIn Learning
blackboard logo

Blackboard Help

Blackboard is WCC’s learning management system. These Blackboard tutorials will help you get the most out of your classes!

For help by Chat use the Chat with us! box to your right.

Microsoft logo

Microsoft Help

Learn all the tips and tricks for using Microsoft’s powerful suite of productivity software.

Microsoft Help

Campus Resources

students browsing library shelves


The friendly Librarians at Bailey Library are here to help you learn to navigate through the world of information. Working together, you can learn how to find, understand, evaluate, and incorporate new ideas into your research papers, presentations, and body of knowledge.

smiling students talking together

Students with Disabilities

The Learning Support Services team provides academic guidance, accommodations, and learning assessment services.

Learning Support
three students in front of student center plaza statue

Success Coaches, Academic & Career Advising

Your success is our success. Connect with your success coach, academic or career advisor to create a plan for success!

Success Coaches
paper with board policy 4095 and WCC logo

Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct Code

Your rights and responsibilities in such areas as discrimination, harassment, academic honesty, plagiarism, and the complain process as defined by WCC Board of Trustee Policy 4095.

Student Rights
students in green screen lab

Digital Video Lab

Digital Video Lab helps students create, produce and edit videos. Studio use and equipment checkout is available to enrolled students.

Digital Video Lab
close up image of photography lens

Photography Production Center

The photography lab has extensive resources for use in all kinds of media, format and camera types. Student use and equipment checkout is available for enrolled students.

Photo Production Center
students in nursing sim lab with mannequin

Nursing Simulation Lab

The WCC nursing simulation lab provides a hands-on learning experience in a safe, realistic environment that enables health care students to enhance their critical thinking skills, technical ability, and communication skills through collaboration with peers, and other health profession students.

Simulation Lab


photo of Academic Success Center spaces


photo of Academic Success Center spaces

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